Current Event for the Week of 2/5/2007
Student's killer gets death sentence
A rapist who killed a college stupid has been given the death sentence for his crimes. The rapist had already been in jail for 20 years for rape and attempted kidnapping and had killed the student within 6 months of getting out of jail. The 53 year old man showed no emotion at the trial and refused his chance to speak.
Read the article here.
The death sentence has always been a big issue in the United States. Do you think it is ethical? Does this man deserve the death sentence?
A rapist who killed a college stupid has been given the death sentence for his crimes. The rapist had already been in jail for 20 years for rape and attempted kidnapping and had killed the student within 6 months of getting out of jail. The 53 year old man showed no emotion at the trial and refused his chance to speak.
Read the article here.
The death sentence has always been a big issue in the United States. Do you think it is ethical? Does this man deserve the death sentence?
I say the man got what he deserved because if you spent 20 years in prison for rapping and attempted kidnapping then you get out and do that exact same thing then i say you deserve to die. I also believe that anyone who kills another should be put to death the way they killed that other person. The guy should have thought about what happened the last time he did that but i guess he didn't care.
I absolutely think he deserves the death sentence. Obviously he hasnt' learned anything from being in jail for the last 20 years, although i'm not too sure about my thoughts on the death sentence. I think we need to make people sit and rot in jail instead of giving them the easy way out and dieing quickly. They need time to think about it, and i think that a life sentence would be much better than the death sentence.
good this guy deservies to die. they should hang him by his junk until his head pops from all the blood rushing to his head. we are way to easy on criminal offenders in the country. it is a waste of money, space, and our time. i say after a certain servarity of crime you just get taken out and shot.
I dont think the death sentence is ethical at all and i think no one she be punished to death. What he did to that girl was really wrong and totally messed up but i think the man deserves a life time in jail and thats it. Alot of people dont change and of course he didnt and since he was already in there he shouldn't be let out ever again and he should die in jail and i think that will make him suffer than just putting him to death because that is what they want most of the time.
I agree 100% with the death penalty. I do think that you should have to wait for it though. If not, then they just get the easy way out. In this case though he had already served more han 20 years. He deserved it and I don't think that there is anything more to say about it.
Do yourself a favor and ignore lifesroughgrabahelmet's comment entirely.
I think that the death penalty really doesn't solve anything. I've heard the "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth" argument so many times that it's becoming rather tiring. Okay, the guy killed someone. What does killing the killer solve? In this country we're so against murder, but what is the death penalty enforcing?
Surely, this is a horrible man and he deserves to be put away for the rest of his life. With that said, I think that a life sentence is a harsher punishment than death. We need to put people like this away and make them do hard labor. Make them do something useful for society to pay their un-payable debt. Make them dig quarries, make them move rocks. Justified murder on behalf of this country, however, is not the answer.
I think that the death penalty is an ethical thing to do, and that this man does deserve to die. He killed one person, and raped and kidnapped another. Life in prison isn't going to do anything except keep him alive, he made two families suffer, why should he get to live?
I believe the man got what he deserved but I do not believe in some of the ways that they carry out death penalty. Lethal injection I believe is stupid because, yeah some people don't believe they should feel pain, but I believe that people as sick as this man should feel the kind of pain that they put others through. You think that he would've learned from his mistake over twenty years ago but apparently not.
Jail is an attempt at rehabilitation. This man proved that tactic to be quite faulty. The next step is to eradicate him completely, in the eyes of the justice system. They obviously believe if they can't change or "fix" him that he is just wasting space and should be disposed of.
I do believe in the phrase that two wrongs don't make a right. In most cases. But one wrong with the potential to make countless other "wrongs" is less right than limiting it to two. This man raped a girl. Went to jail, came back out and did it again. So whatever fate awaits the man, I believe it to be right as long as it doesn't involve release into society, which would greatly heighten the chances of some one else falling victim to his unavoidable behavior.
As much as i am for doing the right thing, I dont feel the death sentence is ethical. I understand he raped, and tried to murder this girl, but by giving him the death sentence is like murdering him. What makes it right to allow someone to kill another individual for doing something wrong. In my opinion, that's murder because someone killed the person up for the death penaty, they just had permission to hit the button of the electric chair, or put in the lethal injection. Jail is terrible enough, lock someone away for the rest of his or her life and no one will see them again, but in my opinion, the death penalty is not ethical.
Yes, I believe the man got what he deserved. There has to be some kind of balance in society, and those who are going to take the lives of innocent people pretty much deserve the same done to them. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Kill others, i guess that means you'd like to die.
If someone is willing to kill another person, I think it is justified that they have the same done to them. Too bad that this rapist can't suffer through what he put the girl through. I completely agree with the death penalty especially in a case like this.
of course he deserves to fry he rapes people and kills them. this guy is just a waste of this world and we don't need creeps like him around our furture generation.
This is one man who certainly does deserve to die for his crimes, but I have mixed feelings on the death sentence. While at times I believe that it is a fitting punishment for a crime, at others I think it's more cruel to let people sit in jail. Isn't giving them death, and such an easy death as an injection, very merciful? That's my opinion, at least. But for this man, death seems very much fitting.
While I do not tend to take a strong stance either for or against the death penalty, I believe that there are advantages to both sides of the debate. The severity of this man's crimes definitely warrant some form of extreme punishment. Whether or not that punishment is death, I do not know. What I do know is that it is probably a good thing that this man is off the streets.
To those who believe that the death penalty is a good/ethical thing to do: The death penalty should not be considered ethical, per se, because that would imply positive ethics. At best the death penalty should be considered not unethical. Most people would agree that you do not get positive ethics points for "offing" somebody.
I think that the death penalty is ethical depending on the situation. For instance, I think it is the solution in this case. The people that knew this girl want some kind of punishment and obviously the last time this man was in jail did not help him in any way. With the death penalty they are recieving a permanent form of punishment for a man who did many terrible things.
I think that he deserves the death sentence becasue not only did he take someone elses life but he kidnapped and raped two girls and that i personally think is uncalled for! If he didn't learn his lesson the first time in jail what would makew anyone think he would learn it the second time so i definatly think that he deserves what he has coming!
I think that the man deserves it. He had already raped and tried to kidnap someone. What made the jail think that he wasn't going to do something worse the next time. The death sentence is wrong because why would we want to give someone a quick out of their mistakes. At the same time though why would the jail want to let him sit in jail and use up the money that comes from taxes.
I don't believe the death sentence is ethical, religiously I think it is like playing God. No one should choose when you live or die. Someone may feel differently if their family is directly involved. However, it wouldn't bring their loved one back - would it really make them feel better to know that the criminal was killed? It would not change the course of events. What if it was later found out that the person was innocent? I think a life sentence would be a better option because they would have to live with it everyday.
I think that this man deserves to die. The whole point of prison is to attempt to reform and individual and make them see the error of their ways. Cleary after 20 years he still didn't change.
I strongly support capital punishment when it is needed, and I do believe that is ethincal.
After spending 20 years in jail, and you still commit this crime, I think he does deserve the death sentence. Obviously, he didn't learn anything in jail, so going back would be a waste of tax dollars. I think if you take someone's life, then the government should be able to take your's. I do feel that there needs to be unanimous consent that the person committed the crime before the death sentence shall be used, however.
well..i dont think that North Dakota should return to the death penality. Just because there is always the slight doubt of innocence. Also Alfonse derserves what he got. For a second offense of the same thing i think he should be sentenced to prison for life.
The man deserves everything the courts dish out for him.kiddnaping rapeing and murdering, thats a bad rap sheet. The man should have thought about it before he did it again. I dont think he should have been released for the first crime but they did and look at what happened. Once and offender always an offender.
The man spent 20 years in jail and it did not good. So i think that he should get the death sentance. After spending 20 years in jail then comming out and doing the same thing not even a year later. He was just asking to die because if they wouldn't kill him then he would just rot in jail.
I feel the man deserves the death sentence. he obvisouly didn't learn his lesson the first time and he took the life of an innocent person. He either needs life in confinment with no contact with people what so ever or the death sentence.
I think he does desreve the death sentence. He spent all of those years in jail and still did not learn his lesson. Even if he was sent to more years in prison he still would do the same thing after he got out again. it seems as if though he doesnt even see that what he does is wrong. yes the death sentence is wrong in some circumstances but for someone like this i think that he does deserve it.
I think he only deserves the death sentence if they are going to shop off his head or do some other harmful execution. I think its crap when they use lethal injection because thats like the most painless way to die and if someone is getting the death sentence they deserve to be put through some pain. I do think that the guy does deserve to be punished very harshly, considering that they let him out of jail and he went and did the same thing that he was in jail the first time for. Most people who go to jail for a serious crime are not let out until they are interviewed and agree not to commit any more violent crimes, and if this guy did that then he is one big liar. Kill the punk!
The man got what he needed to. If you went to jail for 20 years and then got out and then did the same exact thing you went in for, he got what he needed to. don't you think the guy would have enough common sense not to do it? i guess not though.
Nobody, even is a man had killed 20 people, should get the death penalty. It's worse to be put in prison for life without freedom than to be killed. The law uses the death penalty as an example to keep people from killing, but all it is doing is murdering murderers. An American phrase that fits this is "do as I say, not as I do". It's hypocrisy.
I am a christian and my beliefs are that no one decides the death or oneself or others except for God... I can not fully disagree or agree with this. In some situations I feel that the death penalty is the only way to get through to these senseless killers and then I also feel that doing this is letting them off "easy". They did what they wanted and now they die quickly rather than rotting in jail for eternity till they die.
I personally dont think that the death penalty is the right thing to do. giving someone the death penalty to me is a cowards way out. Make them sit in jail and rot away day by day, having to live with the knowledge that they killed someone and for that they will spend the rest of their life in a cell. to me that is a better punishment. where as the death penalty is letting them off to easy, because they dont have to think about what they did day after day.
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Well i feel that he absolutely does deserve the death sentence mainly because he killed someone.. And obviously he hasnt learned a thing from his past soo what do we do with him?? KILL HIM.. give him the death sentence and get rid of this mainiac!!!! IF you kill u deserve to be killed!!!
Personally, i do not believe that 2 wrongs make a right, but in certain cases (like this one) i believe it is the right thing to do by giving him the death sentance. Especially since he killed someone right after he got out of jail for 20years, i believe that that right there tells you that he is not going to change and does not really care.
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