Current Event for 3/26/07
University revokes graduate's master's degree in plagiarism probe
Ohio University has conducted a year-long investigation of master's thesis papers in the field of mechanical engineering. The investigation has caused one individual to have his/her degree revoked. There are 38 cases of plagiarism pending investigation.
Read the article here.
Do you think plagiarism is a problem in our school? Is the punishment here harsh enough? Not enforced at all? Do you think that OU's revoking of a degree is too harsh for plagiarism?
Ohio University has conducted a year-long investigation of master's thesis papers in the field of mechanical engineering. The investigation has caused one individual to have his/her degree revoked. There are 38 cases of plagiarism pending investigation.
Read the article here.
Do you think plagiarism is a problem in our school? Is the punishment here harsh enough? Not enforced at all? Do you think that OU's revoking of a degree is too harsh for plagiarism?
Wow that that student got what they desirved. taking other people's work is just wrong and they shouldnt get the credit if they didnt do it.
I think its good that the student got punished the way he did because no one deserves credit for something they didnt do, and you shouldnt be earning your degree in something you have been cheating your way through.
yeah they deffinately desirved the punishment they got. no one desires credit for something they did not do. they should realize at this point in their life they cant get away with those kind of things in life
I do believe plagiarism is a problem in our school. People get lazy and resort to internet sites in order to finish papers. The punishments here at the high school are sufficent. Having dishonsty on your record for all colleges to see would be enough.
i think that the kid should not get credit, but i sometimes i accidently plagiarize without even realizing it but then i go over it and see my mistakes. i can understand plagiarizing to some degree, but this is out of hand and he should get in trouble for what he did.
Well there is a problem with plagiarism at out school, but it's not that bad at all. It is enforced here, to the extent of teachers realizing it. I know a couple of people just from the three years at the high school who has gotten in trouble for it. I believe that high school prepares students for college and stress so much not to plagiarize becuase colleges take it so serious. So I do think that the kid should get his degree revoked.
I think that the justification of the punishment depends on the extent of the plagarism. Plagarism is never acceptable, but everyone makes mistakes. If the plagarism wasn't serious than I think the student should have the opportunity to make up his thesis paper. I don't have any experience with plagarism, so I'm not sure what the punishment is at Perry.
I haven't personally known anybody at Perry to plagiarize, so I suppose it's either not a big deal or the rules against it aren't enforced.
I think that the student who had his/her degree revoked absolutely deserved it. Plagiarism is intolerable in my eyes. It's no better than theft.
I agree that the student should be punished but given a second chance. What the student did was wrong, but he/she should be able to redo the paper.
At our school, I actually had a teacher threaten one of my classes with turning us all in for academic dishonesty (plagiarism) just for not citing our sources (not told to). Really though I don' think plagiarism is too big of a problem in our school, even though it happens. I don't know the punishment a t Perry, but this one teacher made it sound pretty harsh.
College just like high school should be taken seriously. People should know that there are programs out there that check for plagiarism. I don't know how they don't feel guilty while writing it either. I can understand if it's improper citation that was completely accidental. I think it is fair to revoke these graduate degrees. Our school usually only gives warnings, rewrites, or an F. More could be done.
i deffinatley think that that student got what they deserved. that is wrong. it is a very good punishment because plagarism is a crime... ugh. people bother me sometimes. why would somebody do that... i dont know.
I don't think that plagiarism is very much of an issue at our school. I do though think that whoever does it deserves the worst punishment they can get. I don't believe OU was too harsh. Giving someone a good grade for plagiarising is giving the person that wrote the original source a good grade, not the student. People who plagiarise deserve their punishment because there are people who do papers honestly and get worse grades than those who plagiarise.
I think plagerism is a huge problem in our school, but for as much of a problem it is, it gets a lot less attention from many teachers. All the teachers (especially english) warn the students not to use plagerism and what not, but who actually checks? After turning in culteral exploration, Miss Van Wey told us how many students she found plagerizing for days. Most teachers don't have the time to check everyone's paper (which I wouldn't blame them) but if it's suspicious, they should definitly get on their little program (or even google) and type in a sentence to see if it's exact.
I think the punishment is fair--at our school and OU's master's students. Students are preached day in and out to not plagerize and if they choose not it listen, it's their laziness and obviously consequence.
I think plagiarism is a problem that all schools must face. I don't think that a punishment is enforced here at Perry High School. Students usually just get warnings and that is about it. I don't think OU's revoking of a degree is too harsh for plagiarism because it was a master's thesis paper. What kind of students plagiarises a masters paper?
i think that the student deserved what they got. thats not right for someone to get credit for something the didnt do. it shows that they dont want to take the time and effort to do it on their own. he basically would be earning a degree for nothing that he did and he did not earn the right to have that degree. that just shows how lazy they are.
i think they deserve the punishment because they obviously didn't do the work themselves so they really didn't earn it.
zThe student did deserve the punishment he recived. I don't think that a lot of teachers check for plagerism on a large scale at Perry. I do think that the teachers who check for plagerism do punish accordingly however.
I don't really know if it's a problem at Perry. My house mom said it is, so I guess it is. I don't know what Perry's punishment is.
The punishment for the college student was harsh enough. How could they make it harsher, killing him? I think they should have given the student another chance to write the paper.
I think it's good that the student got punished. It is extremely dishonest and it isn't fair to the person they copied or to those students who actually tried and put forth way more effort to earn their grades.
On the other hand, I had a group project in history earlier this year, and one student in my group truthfully accidentally plagerized because he turned in the wrong paper. he turned in one that he was using to get information from, which was copied from a website. If the person has a legitimate excuse and can prove it instantly, the student shouldn't be punished. Any other case, yes, the student should be punished, even if it means having his license revoked.
It is about time students are getting caught for copying other peoples work. If you cant turn in or do your own work then you dont deserve to have the degree. I think revoking the degree is not harsh but fair and that i think our school doesnt pay close enough attention to what students are turning in. Lots of students turn in copied or other peoples work so that they get out of doing it therself. The school needs to crack down harder on these students. But i dont think that if a student plagerized just a paragraph or something like that then it should be ok bt if they copy the who ting or close to it then punishment should be brought down.
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