Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Current Event for Week of 9/25/06

U.S. Eases Carry-On Liquid Ban

The US airlines are loosening the ban on liquids allowed on planes. They will now allow liquids, aerosols and gels, providing that they are in small travel-sized containers. They will also allow beverages providing that they have been purchased at the airport.

Read the enire article here.

What do you think? Should liquids have been banned in the first placed? Is this infringing on our rights of freedoms?


Blogger Cue-aye-F said...

I think that the ban on liquids was uncalled for. I'm sure that there are so many things that people still can't take that they need. The airlines are using the ban as a way to make money selling the single serving products. I think that it is wrong and infringes on the rights of 'free' people.

9/28/2006 8:51 AM  
Blogger Sarahhhh said...

Since 9/11, security in our nation isn't going to be the same, and people have to learn to accept that. The government isn't infringing on our rights by stopping us from taking liquids, aerosols, and gels on planes. I flew the week that all of the bans were first put into effect, and after hearing about all of the possible attacks, I felt safer with the liquid ban. Now that it's been awhile, let the liquids back on the planes.

9/29/2006 7:45 AM  
Blogger Sarahhhh said...

Everyone does know that you could take shampoo and hairspray on the plane, you just couldn't have it in your carry on bag, so you had to keep in the luggage that you checked at the airport.

9/29/2006 12:08 PM  

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