Monday, February 12, 2007

Current Event For the Week of 2-12-07

US military officials presented evidence Sunday that Iran has been supplying anti-US Shiites with weapons that are being used to attack US forces. While these officials claim to have received this information from informants in the Iranian government, they refuse to reveal their sources or allow the presentation of the evidence to be released.

Read the article here.

Do you feel that these weaponry threats are exaggerated, or do you believe the Iranian government is supplying Iraq with weapons to deter the US? A similar situation occured with the war in Iraq, do you think we should engage in war against Iran as well? The article talks about some of the known evidence being merely circumstantial and that the weapons were missing the markings that identified them as coming from Iran, officials however say they have much more concrete evidence that can't be released to the public. Why do you think the officials won't release the information?


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