Current Event For The Week Of 10/5
This article is about a woman in Cleveland who was arrested for drowning 2 of her kids in a bathtub. She told her husband that she had done this so that her kids could be "at peace."
Read article here
Do you think that by commiting this act, that her kids were now "at peace?" Why Or Why Not? What do you think should happen to her? and why?
Read article here
Do you think that by commiting this act, that her kids were now "at peace?" Why Or Why Not? What do you think should happen to her? and why?
this story is so disturbing. that lady needs to be in jail for life. she obviously is dealing with some issues and needs to get some help for that. I don't understand how she can think that she was putting her kids "at peace". She is just being selfish becasue she didn't want to handle being a mom and going to work, so she cut those two innocent kids lives short because she doesn't want to deal with it. It's not fair that she gets to live her life, but her 2 and 4 year olds don't. She is pathetic, and if she made the decision to have sex and get pregnant then she needs to take responsibility for her actions and take care of her kids.
This story is really sad. I definately think that this lady needs to be severely punished. I watched the video and it was the one of the worst things I've ever seen. The father was so upset, it made me feel so bad for him. It was wrong for the mother to do that to her daughters, she didn't put them at peace by killing them. If it was that bad why didn't she put them up for adoption...that would be better than killing them. I don't know what could make someone do something so stupid. I hope she gets life in prison or something. The bad thing is that she'll probably plead insane and get off easy.
She did put them at peace by killing them. If you think about it, our world is messed up and going down hill fast. With all the gangs and rapers and such. The lady probably thought that her children didnt deserve to live in a world like this. But i still think she should go to jail because any one who kills their kids should. It's wrong and not humane.
I think that this women should go to jail for life, and she shouldnt get off for insanity. She knew what was going on and thats also why she called the father to tell him.
This woman is clearly off her rocker!!! She sounded like a good mother until she drowned them because she couldnt handle the stress. If she couldnt handle the stress she should have had her mother or mother in law take them for a few days so she could have a breather. She should get at LEAST 15 -20 years in jail but i doubt she will. Her lawyer will probably do the insanity plea, and she will either get off or have 2-5 years in prison. What she did was unexcusable and no one should ever do that to their children.
Well, first of all I don't think that the right questions are being asked for this article. "At Peace"? Well, I am not justifying what this woman did at all, but if the children went to Heaven, they would be at peace. I mean it was wrong and I think she should at least get life in prison maybe even the death penalty. What she did is cruel and just I don't know how else to say it...evil. She should not have killed them and she deserves punishment altough I think she is insane. I hate the insanity plea! People who belong behind bars say that they are crazy and they get out of jail, where instead they get "counselling" until they become sane, yet they are free to go out and do something like this again. I wish I had an example... I know I do but it escapes me. I agree with most of the people who have blogged on this subject already, the woman did something unexcusable and she should be put behind bars for a long, long time but that unfortunately is unlikely.
The story was so upsetting. I felt so bad for the father. He seemed to really love his kids. I think it seems like such a weird story because it just doesnt match up. The neighbor said the kids always looked great and the mother was a really nice girl. I wonder why she felt she was putting them at peace. It seems to me she was really stressed and couldn't take the pressure of motherhood anymore. I think she should go to jail for life so she can think about what she did forever.
I could understand this lady if her kids were in severe physical pain because of some disease or something, but they were perfectly normal. This was a pretty selfish thing to do, she didn't even say anything to her husband. It all seemed very sudden. It's sad that she didn't think about these things before she got pregnant. It makes you wonder what was going through her mind. She should definately put away for life.
The woman seems heartless, and needs severly punished. How can you kill not one but both of your kids, and then get arrested, and manage to show no emotion ???!!! If she really thinks that taking t innocent lives from this world is putting her children to " peace " , I think she should join them in " peace " with the death penalty.
This story is beyond me i dont kno how anyone could kill someone let alone two of the people in this world that she herself gave birth to. are her children in peace probably but should they be there now heck no there is no way some one should decide when you leave this world untill you die on your own. this lady should be put on death row so she could be at "peace".
People like this are crazy. Personally I think that she needs to be killed the exact same way she killed her children. I am also so sick of the media saying stuff like "she had a mental problem" and "she was under a lot of stress" like its the most natural thing in the world to kill both of your kids! Being a high school student puts a lot of sress on me with clubs and homework and studying and work but I don't want to go kill someone because of all the stress I have. I think we should just get rid of her so that way shes not clogging up the prisions and so tax payers don't have to pay for her meals and health care!
I think this just goes to show that there are some really messed up people in the world and the rest of us need to pay atention. This woman needs some major psychological help. She should be locked up in a mental institution for thre rest of her life. I don't understand what would drive someone to do something like this.
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i think this story is wrong in so many ways. why on earth would you ever drown your own flesh and blood? there is no way that her children are at peace now because they were so young they didn't even get to experience life. i don't think the judge should take this lightly. she deserves to be punished because she killed her own daughters. just because she's "insane" gives her no right to get off easy. that is no excuse
I definately don't think her kids are at peace. They had no problems to deal with, they were children and still had full lives to live. If the Hill couldn't deal with the stress then maybe she should of at least thought about that before having them or at least asked someone to take care of them until she got her head on her shoulders. It's kind of confusing on how the dad didn't know about the stressful times Hill was going through. If he saw that she was having such an awful time then maybe he could've helped out a bit. But I think that she should serve life in prison. Those were her own daughters. Honestly how could someone do that and watch their kids suffer?
I cant beleive that this person would do something like this. I dont want to hear this crap about how they are peaceful, i gaurentee they would be happy living a full life. I cant believe somebody would do this to her own kids. I have no patience for people who have no clue and this story makes me angry. Also i cant stand when people justify something as bad as this by saying that the person they killed is "happier" or "at peace".
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