Friday, September 21, 2007

Current Event of the Week of 9/21/07

Surgery Without the Scars

Doctors are stretching the boundaries of laparoscopic surgical technique, which involves inserting a light and a camera into the body, to develop new surgeries that leave few -- if any -- visible scars

Read the article here

If you were to have surgery would you have this done? What do you think of having something like this being injected through your belly button?


Blogger Unknown said...

I think this new type of surgery sounds really cool! Being able to get surgery without the consequences of scarring would be so beneficial. I know a few people that it was crucial for them to get surgery, but afterwards, they were stuck with a huge scar that made them really self-conscious. This surgery technique could eliminate that!

I think if I ever had to get surgery, I would allow them to perform it using this technique, but only after it was proven to be safe. I would never want to be a guinea pig for such a thing.

9/22/2007 5:53 PM  
Blogger bluvjesus said...

This surgury would be great for many people! You wouldnt be awake so you wouldnt know that anything was going through your belly button. If this surgury was avalible about 6 years ago I would have used this method rather than getting my knee cut open. My best friend had a huge operation that was only supposed to be very little and this surgury would have probably prevented it from being so big! Though she probably would have waited to see if this was safe.

9/23/2007 11:46 AM  
Blogger longhornx10 said...

I have to agree with the other two here. My aunt has had so many surgerys and this would have been really great for her so she wouldn't have had the scarring of a normal surgery.

9/23/2007 12:39 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This seems to be a god idea since we as people are so concerned with our appearance; now we cann all be flawless still! Anyways I think I would like to know if there are any downers to having this kind of surgery or any side affects. And as far as having something go trough my bellybutton, i think like any surgery i would force them to put me to sleep. If it worked just as well though i would consider it. I have a rather large scar from a surgery and it would have been nice to at least have the scar look a little more inobtrusive. Nonetheless they have given little detail as to the safety and effects of this surgery so I don't know that I would allow this surgery to be done on me.

9/23/2007 10:10 PM  

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