Wednesday, September 12, 2007

current event for the week ( 9 - 14 - 07)

New study research shows that with the higher gas prices it will eventually help out with the obesity rate in the United States. Read Article Here

Do you think that these higher gas prices will help? How do you feel about the gas prices where they are now?


Blogger Mindy said...

I think that raising gas prices will lower the rate of obesity! Gas prices are so high its getting harder for people to pay their bills and get food for their homes: I think that people will start walking and riding bikes like the article said just to save money for the necessities for their homes. Its a great idea just to do it because Americas obesity rate is horrible! To me the gs prices suck because when I want to go to my boyfriends house he lives far away and I can;t walk or ride my bike because it's too dangerous with all the traffic and kidnappers, so gas to me sucks because I can't see my boyfriend as much as i want to!

9/12/2007 2:54 PM  
Blogger keastx3 said...

I can see how the higher gas prices would help lower the obesity rates in the us. It deffinately makes you think twice about carpooling or if its worth it to walk or ride your bike just to get soemwhere. We have become so dependent on cars that even thinking about walking or riding your bike to school a few days a week to save gas is rediculous. I used to walk to my friends house all the time last summer and now that i have a car, that just seems like the only option anymore. I think the gas prices are insane, but theres nothing we can do about it because the companies know we wont stop buying it because we have become so dependent on it. It wouldnt hurt to start walking more places that are not that far away. weve just become lazy. haa

9/12/2007 4:40 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think gas prices may have a small effect on obesity, but I don't think there is a strong correlation between the two. I could see how this could be true in bigger cities like N.Y. and D.C. because they have the metro that is very convienient and you would have to walk more, but in places like Canton we don't have that kind of transportation, and most people are going to just drive. I think that if people are going to be obese it is their decision and there's not a whole lot others can do about it in some cases. I think that although gas prices are crazy, maybe it is having a positive effect on the obesity rate, but ultimately I don't think it can be given that much credit.

9/15/2007 6:22 PM  
Blogger shann0nx2010 said...

I can kind of see how the raise in gas prices could lead to a possible lower rate in obesity. But what you dont get is that most of our country is based on cars. It doesnt matter if you live 10 minutes away from the bus stop or metro. People are lazy, so they would rather walk 20 seconds to get into their car drive to work or where ever they need to go than walk the 10 minutes to the bus stop. Personally I think the gas prices are way to high. I think that the gas stations are ripping us off.

9/16/2007 1:43 PM  
Blogger LEhmer08 said...

raising gas prices may not exactly lower the obesity rate but it may help a lot of people lose weight. with gas prices the way they are you see a great number of people out walking and running and riding bikes. but what happens when it gets cold out..

gas prices will definitely make people stay at home and eat instead of going out and getting fast food and junk. so the obesity rate might go down a smidge but it will not drastically lower at all

9/16/2007 8:02 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think this is a really good connection between obesity and gas prices. I can see how it would affect obesity rates and reduce it a significant amount. Biking is really good exercise as well as walking. Now people will think twice about where they drive to such as just going out to pick up fast food. They will start eating more home-cooked instead of going out all the time. I hate how gas prices are always increasing but at least they are doing some good for the country.

9/16/2007 8:13 PM  

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