Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Current Event for the week of 4/30/07

Trapeze artist falls to death during show.

A circus performer fell about 40 feet to his death during a performance in Southern California, authorities said.

Read About it Here.

Should performing without a net be allowed? How could this fatal accident have been prevented? How do you feel about this tragety?


Blogger iansbabi1322 said...

I think that it should have been with a net because no body knows wut could happen and of course if you don't have a net you will fall and die. it could of been prevented if there was a net. I feel bad but i don tcare really there should have been a net!

5/04/2007 12:45 PM  
Blogger lifesroughgrabahelmet said...

you know that is a risk they knew about its not all like hey by the way we are getting away with the net tonight. that is like if an officer was shot and killed, and it was decided that we collect the all guns in america and melt them down. of course were not going to do that because its irrational and unconstitutional. officers know the risk just like this guy did. i wont feel bad for the man who shot himself in the foot.

5/04/2007 10:19 PM  
Blogger TheBlogger07 said...

there should have been a net and there wasn't so no i don't feel bad. he obviously knew there was no net so that was his gamble with life, and he obviously lost

5/05/2007 2:25 PM  
Blogger Neko-chan said...

It's only common sense. This person knew what he was doing when he got up onto that rope, and the fact that he did not even think about using a net showed his own incompetance. If he fell to his death, then that was the risk that he took. Then again, it was also the circus's folly for not forcing him to use the net when it is very clearly for safety precautions.

5/06/2007 9:18 AM  
Blogger pink_princess235 said...

I think that this trick should have been performed with a net. However, circus trainers know that everyday when they go out and perform, that their tricks could be fatal. This is a risk that they choose to take with their job. I think more circuses will start to take more safety precautions after this fatal accident.

5/06/2007 5:34 PM  

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