Current Event for the Week of 4-23-07
Fewer Students Participating In Sports As Costs Climb
Due to pay-to-play programs, causing students to pay as high as $350 to be in an extracurricular activity, the number of kids in activities has dropped. School officials believe that there should not be a cost because these extracurricular activities are what keep some kids out of trouble and enganged in learning, becoming ready for the world outside school, and making friends.
Read the article here.
Do you think that there should be a cost to be in sports and clubs? Why? If there were a cost would you still join? Do you think the cost helps schools or hurts them?
Due to pay-to-play programs, causing students to pay as high as $350 to be in an extracurricular activity, the number of kids in activities has dropped. School officials believe that there should not be a cost because these extracurricular activities are what keep some kids out of trouble and enganged in learning, becoming ready for the world outside school, and making friends.
Read the article here.
Do you think that there should be a cost to be in sports and clubs? Why? If there were a cost would you still join? Do you think the cost helps schools or hurts them?
to play sports in school i dont think there should be cost. isnt it a school activity which means the school should cover it. watch them start making us pay for clubs or extra classes
I dont think there should be a cost because if you have the talent and the skill to be a good player in that sport than i dont see why the school would worry about the money for this. But if you suck at the sport and you still wanna play even though the coach wants to cut you then i think they should have to play because of there bad skill.
i dont think kids should have to pay to play sports or join activities, its something that the school is offering to you and you shouldnt have to pay for it, and some of the money probably goes towards things other than the sport.
I do not think it's right to charge students to participate in sports and clubs. All this does is deter those who cannot afford such expenses from joining extra curricular activities that help create a firm base for the future.
It would end up forcing kids out who have potential, making the teams suffer. This isn't college where we have to pay to attend. It's high school and there should be no cost to be on public school teams.
I was in Interpretive Speech for three years and I probably would have paid the cost to join up, personally. I'm too dedicated to speech to not to join, no matter the cost.
I don't think there should be a cost to play sports or be in clubs. Our tax dollars go to the schools and the extra-curricular activites, so the school needs to budget the money for both mroe thoroughly. It's not right to have to pay to get involved in community activity. We have to pay for our own equipment and can do fund-raisers to get money for warm-ups, etc. If there were a cost, I would only play golf. I wouldn't be involved in as many clubs because that would get ridiculous. I think the cost helps get more money, but hurts the participation. There could be a star athlete with not enough money to play his/her sport, and she could be deprived of the experience and scouting of college coaches.
My sister took cheerleading a few years ago, and the costs that it took for us were phenominal, and they told her that she could not wear the uniform that she had paid for to school. I don't think that people should have to pay the school, who overprices things anyway in the lunches we buy and the merchandise we purchase from them. Extra-curricular should be for fun, not a headache and a pain in the checkbook.
I think that school activities should not cost anything. Many students have activities after school because they have nothing better to do after school or it is a way to hang out with friends. If students start having to pay they may find something other than a good activitie to do.
I think to pay to play is terrible. It's not fair that those with money should be allowed to participate while those without are punished. This will ultimately hurt the school as well because I would think students would move to attend schools where extra curriculars are free.
I think it's horrible schools require players to pay x amount of money to stay in the sport or club. I thought sports and clubs were to keep kids off drugs and healthy after school. Hopefully only those willing to pay to play will attend, no longer should their been students going to a school where they do not participate in extracurricular activities. why support them?
There absolutely should not be any cost for any school related activiy or event. We already will be having to pay for college here soon enought, and private schools are already paying for their education. Like the article said, these sports kept some of these kids engaged in learning at school, and kept them out of trouble. It's a school event, the public schools get fundings from the government, so the students and athletes shouldn't have to pay the consequences for the adults in the community passing bonds and levys that are not possible.
I wish that all school activities could be free of charges, but it seems like that just isn't possible in many situations. The obvious solution would be to lobby the public for more money, but that seems to be failing left and right. I think that pay-to-play systems are better than straight up dropping a program for kids, though.
I believe that more emphasis should be placed on fundraising. It seems like people don't fundraise as much as they should, and when people do fundraise, no one supports them. For example, groups and activities at our own school have bake sales and other fundraisers during lunch mods almost every week. A lot of people don't buy stuff from these sales because they don't feel like it. Whenever we see those sales, we should jump to support them and help someone out. Fifty cents or a dollar isn't that much money, so give up your change. If every person bought something from every bakesale, the costs of pay-to-play would be decreased quite a bit (and I guarantee your spending money wouldn't be hurt). If you were in the position where you had to raise funds, wouldn't you want to have people support you?
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