Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Current Event for the Week of 4-4

Justin Timberlake recently publicy denounced celebrity tabloids for their incessant prying into the lives or celebrities.

Read the article here.

Do you feel celebrities are treated unfairly due to tabloaid articles? Why is the American public so interested in the lives of the rich and famous? Is the right to talk about others' personal lives part of free speech? Do you feel such magazines should be punished for publishing information they know to be false, or not checking sources?


Blogger omega said...

i think its stupid the way people pry into their lives but there isnt much you can do people are aloud to talk all they want i guess they just cant find more interesting stuff to talk about

4/04/2007 7:52 PM  
Blogger blingblingpinkyringgirlgetatme90210 said...

I think it is ridiculous that people make such a big deal about what celebrities are doing with their lives. just bc some one has a lot of money why should the rest of the world care who they are dating.

4/05/2007 6:58 AM  
Blogger GODDESS said...

i think it is supid that people care so much about celebs lifestyles. there just people too so i dont see the big deal. if the celebs want us to know something then they will tell us, if they dont then i say we as people should respect that.

4/05/2007 10:39 AM  
Blogger GPorter said...

I do feel that it's unfair that people pry into the lives of celebrities but I also feel as if it's to be expected. They're in the limelight, everybody knows who they are and they're therefore interesting in the eyes of many people.

I don't think it's an issue of free speech unless there's libel or slander involved though I think that celebrities are most angry at the true stuff that tabloids print. The fake stuff is usually just laughed at.

Oh, and tabloids ARE punished for slander, so it's not much of an issue.

4/05/2007 2:19 PM  
Blogger lifesroughgrabahelmet said...

you know if you wanna be that big of a star, you are going to loses something. it happens to be privacy suck it up

4/05/2007 3:39 PM  
Blogger Neko-chan said...

Everyone keeps saying that they think it's stupid, and it's wrong, but do they ever stop to think maybe that they do it to? Even saying that you hate a certain celebrity or saying that what they did is stupid {i.e Britney shaving her head} is showing an interest in their lives. This is what tabloids feed off of. Even people who are unaware that they want to know help these things out and keep the desire to know the rich and famous's lives down to the smallest point. It's an invasion of privacy, it needs to stop, but it won't until people show that they don't care about gossip or rumors or anything else.

4/08/2007 12:53 PM  

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