Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Current Event for the Week of 4/2/07

Middle School Teacher in Maryland Convicted of Making Bomb Threats to Students

A sixth-grade teacher was convicted Monday of making false bomb threats that targeted five students attending the middle school where she taught....

Read the Article HERE

Does this sound like a case of paranoia, or a real act of terrorism? Do you agree or disagree with the senctencing of Dohm? Should it be longer or shorter? What would you do as a sixth grader if a teacher was leaving you threating notes?


Blogger ajayc said...

I think it's a little bit of both. Any teacher making that kind of a remark shouldn't be teaching at all. I agree with the sentencing. The teacher deserves everything because students let along a teacher shoulndt make a threat to cause turmoil to any students. IF i were a sixth grader I would report the teacher. Sixth graders take things seriously and making you worry all of the time from a threat by someone you thought you trusted is wrong. I would tell my parents and try to get the teacher fired for such a rediculous remark.

4/03/2007 8:02 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

the teacher should get introuble, because sixth graders take everything seroiusly and if i were in her class, i would be freaking out. she should not be teaching at all.

4/03/2007 11:41 AM  
Blogger GODDESS said...

i personally think that the teacher got what she deserved. sixth graders dont exactly know right from wrong so when they read something like that they may take it too serious and not know what to do about it, or they may even believe it. that is wrong on every level. i think they should see if she is mentally insane or something along those lines

4/04/2007 10:18 AM  
Blogger iansbabi1322 said...

I think its both i mean if someone like that should not be even teaching at all. I think he deserves everything he gets becuase making a threat to a little student or six grader is just un moral in everyway! If i was a six grader i mean heck now as a senior if a teacher gave me a freaking note saying he was going to bomb the school i would not attend and move!

4/04/2007 12:42 PM  
Blogger soc08 said...

Thats a little bit weird..ok so maybe mroe then a little bit. But even joking around about that is kinda a little extreme for a teacher, especially sending it to a few of the students homes. i dont think she should be able to teach anymore and def. be watched over for a few years.

4/04/2007 7:13 PM  
Blogger omega said...

well that odd for a sixth grade teacher to be doing but if its real then they shouldnt teach and get the appopriate time for the crime.

4/04/2007 7:56 PM  
Blogger GPorter said...

This was an act of terrorism even if it was an idle threat. Terrorism doesn't necessarily mean that bombs went of, it's defined as a systematic use of terror as means of coercion, so what she did can technically be seen as terrorism.

4/05/2007 2:26 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

It could have just been paranoia, but it should be taken seriously. I agree with the sentence. It could maybe be longer. Sixth graders would definately freak out about this kind of thing. I would tell my parents immediately.

4/07/2007 1:34 PM  
Blogger Zack said...

I don't think this story gives us a very fair analysis of the situation. Ideally, we would have more background information on this subject before taking stances on it. Given the information we have, here is my best analysis:

I don't take the teacher's threats very seriously. If the threats were intended as a means of coercion, then it is very unlikely she would have followed through. I seriously doubt that the threats were meant as a means of coercion, though. What is a sixth grade teacher going to coerce her students to do? Finish homework? Be quiet in class? Don't run in the halls? Typically, threats of suspension and detention are more than enough to solve problems with middle schoolers. These notes were probably just some form of an inside joke between the teacher and students. What strikes me as odd, though, is that these jokes/threats were made to sixth grade students. While some students mature quicker than others, most students don't start joking around with their teachers until they reach the high school level.

4/08/2007 6:02 PM  
Blogger Zack said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

4/08/2007 6:03 PM  

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