Sunday, May 06, 2007



Prices for gas have not hit record high since March of 1981. The record high then was $1.35 a gallon, which in todays economy would be $3.13.

Read the article here!

Is there really a need for gas prices to be so high?
Is the need for gas money going to eventually cause poverty for some?
What do you think are some ways that the gas proces can be lowered?


Blogger said...

oh wow.. i am the only one to blog.. hmm. this is weird.

anyways!!! ok i personally do not like tap water. i think it is gross and has a stale taste to it. i l0VE bottled water. but i do not like the purified bottled water. i only like the spring water. i am a very picky person. i do taste a difference in the 3 kinds of water. i dont really know what else to say except that i understand how some people feel about the subject because i am one who only drinks spring bottled water... so there we go. thats how i feel.

5/06/2007 7:54 PM  
Blogger said...

OOOOPPSSS!! i was talking about the wrong stuff... lol haha. clicked on the wrong one.

so anyways, the gas prcies are outragous!!!!! i am soo glad i dont drive because i would be even more angry! but yah know what, i dont understand why they are soo high. my mom explained it to me before, but i just dont get it. ok if the prices are low, people will buy more of it so wont you make the same profit? but then again not really because there are still those people who dont care about the prices.... ugh i dont know. it drives me nuts. $3.19 is just crazy!!! why does it have to be soo high? I DONT GET IT!!

5/06/2007 7:57 PM  
Blogger GODDESS said...

i dont think that there is any reason for gas prices to be that high. then people wont want to drive anywhere because they may not have the money to put in the car. it makes it difficult for families to go out and do things.

5/10/2007 6:10 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Personally i dont think that the prices need to be that high. I think that the gov. is trying to just steal money from us. This would be the eaisyest way. No one wants to car pool or walk anymore they think they have to drive everywhere.(It is why america is getting fat) The gov. knows that we will pay for the gas no matter how high it is. I do think that if the prices keep going up then we could go into poverty. It is hard enough now to try and keep the money up with the rise of prices on everything else. When the gas prices go up it is like "well do i eat today or put gas in my car." If the gov. isnt carefull no one will buy gas because they cant and then what will they do......

5/10/2007 2:56 PM  
Blogger GPorter said...

There's not much reason behind the gas prices being so high but I think it's funny when people try to blame our government. Truthfully, very few people have say in how much gas costs us. Because of booming economies, such as that of China, there is a sizable strain on the oil supply. I think the issue coming up will be focused more upon how to conserve oil and use less of it.

And no, I do not think this will eventually cause poverty for some. As the prices for gas rise higher and higher less people will be purchasing it. Because we live in an area that is so spaced out we need our own cars. Because of this, public transportation in Massillon is almost nonexistent, save for school buses and some public buses. I think that if the problem gets bad enough to cause poverty, more public transportation will arrive. The thing is, in tightly packed cities like NYC a hell of a lot less people drive and instead take subways, buses, cabs, etc. If our area could get a bit more into that form of transportation the gas prices wouldn't matter nearly as much.

So, how can gas prices be lowered? Heck if I know. Don't buy gas on the 15th?

5/10/2007 9:37 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i think the gas prices are way too high, and there is no reason for this (which is why there is a don't buy gas on May 15). and yes, the high prices will lead to poverty...or people will have to ride SARTA to save money.

5/11/2007 9:28 AM  
Blogger kcat0109 said...

Gas prices are ridicules I cant believe that they are that high. I really feel that the price of gas is going up just because people are greedy. There is no reason that they need to be that high. I work and I get minimum wage and without fuleperks from Giant Eagle I would not be driving right now. There is no way a person on minimum wage can afford gas because they can barley support themselves.

5/12/2007 6:39 AM  
Blogger lifesroughgrabahelmet said...

i think that it sucks that they are this high, but what are we going to do, all stop driving and go buy a horse. no, so gas prices are going to keep rising because the demand is there

5/12/2007 11:55 AM  
Blogger TheBlogger07 said...

i don't see why gas prices are going so high. i think it can cause people to do into poverty. it seemed great when minimum wage went up but now it doesn't seem to be worth anything because all of my extra money is now going towards gas. thank god its summer because i am literally about to get my bike out. leg power is free. i dont know what else we can do to lower the prices.

5/12/2007 3:02 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I don't think there is a need for gas prices to go this high. However, I don't know much information about how gas is supplied and reasons for the increase in prices. I think that people can be more conservative with their motor vehicles. Hopefully, more and more people will be driving hybrids.

5/13/2007 8:31 PM  
Blogger Poly Ester said...

An alternative gas solution needs to be set in place and started. some people may have to stop driving, the prices will continue to climb. there is no need for it to be so expensive. supply and demand.

5/14/2007 7:25 AM  
Blogger mcg3309 said...

Gas prices really are getting ridicoulous. There is no need for them to be this high when the price of oil is decreasing. I do believ that the need for gas money will eventually cause poverty one day, if nothing is done to stop the ridicolous prices.

5/14/2007 9:51 AM  
Blogger Snyder3208 said...

personally i make my parents pay for my gas when its expensive.HAHA i need gas but i cant afford on my own to put a full tank and hangout with my friends.i dont mind them being high because when they are lower i have to pay for gas outta my pocket.;)

5/16/2007 10:26 AM  

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