Monday, September 10, 2007

Current Event for the Week of 9/14/07

Tropical Storm Hits Carolina Coast

A tropical storm has hit the Carolina coast and many people think it to be no big deal and to continue on their vacations and stay at the beach. Many surfers go as far as saying that this is the best time of year.

Read the Article Here.

Can you imagine how we would react if a storm hit Ohio? Would we react the same way by thinking nothing of it? If you were on vacation with 50mph winds would you stay?


Blogger Unknown said...

I can't imagine how other people would act. I am the type of person who loves to watch storms, so I wouldn't think anything of it. Yes, I would probably stay!! We have had big storms in Ohio and winds that have been strong. People don't react the same. One family can be terrified and another will think of it as just another storm.

9/10/2007 2:58 PM  
Blogger Mindy said...

If a huge storm hit Ohio everyone would freak out because we don't really get bad storms. Ohio probably wouldn't get a bad storm though so yea know one would really think much of it. If i was on vacation and the winds were 50mph I wouldn't stay thats just crazy becasue that wind an=can lift you up and the outcome would be very sad!!!

9/10/2007 5:12 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think it would be total chaos if a big storm hit Ohio. Since bad storms usually don't come our way, people wouldn't know what to do and would probably end up freaking out. We wouldn't have any drills or procedures because we wouldn't be expecting it. If 50 mph winds came while I was on vacation I would for sure stay. I would probably stay inside, but I would definately stay. I like storms so I think it would be neat to watch a tropical one like that.

9/16/2007 8:27 PM  

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