Thursday, September 28, 2006

Current Event for Week of 10/2/06

Did T.O. attempt suicide?

Dallas Cowboy star receiver Terrell Owens put two more pain pills in his mouth after he already has his regular dosage. A friend intervened and Terrell Owens was rushed to the hospital. Before all this happened, T.O. told his friends he was depressed...

Read the article here.

What do you think? A bad reaction to medication? A suicide attempt? Why is this such a big story? Weigh in with your opinion...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9/28/2006 12:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9/28/2006 12:34 PM  
Blogger Sarahhhh said...

It's obviously a big story because it is football star that is looked apon by thousands of people. Had it been a normal person like you and I, no one would have cared.
He may have been depressed, but more than likely, he took the extra pills to put on a show or just to get some attention.

10/04/2006 8:06 AM  
Blogger maskedchaos58 said...

to be completely honest i dont care only when someone who is "famous" does or has something happen to them is it a big deal. stories on celebraties are about as reliable and a as asking a figure 8 ball the answer. people will say anything and do anything for a little bit of money. how much can you trust the media ?

10/04/2006 11:12 AM  
Blogger Sarahhhh said...

I think that he may been addicted to the pain pills for the simple fact that he plays a contact sport, which means you are going to be in pain. The addiction may have led up to him wanting to see how people would react if he attempted suicide by overdosing.

10/05/2006 8:02 AM  
Blogger Cue-aye-F said...

I honestly think that TO did that as a publicity stunt. It was probably all planned and just wanted there to be some big commentary about his life or something.
End of story.

10/06/2006 4:18 PM  

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