Thursday, October 05, 2006

Current Event for Week of 10/2/06

Officials: Inmate got 'Katie's Revenge' tattoo by force

An inmate serving a life sentence for molesting and murdering a 10-year-old girl named Katie was apparently forcibly tattooed across the forehead by a fellow prisoner with the words "KATIE'S REVENGE," authorities say.
Anthony Ray Stockelman, 39, was removed from the general prison population for his own safety last weekend after authorities discovered the tattoo, officials said.
Prison officials said an inmate has been identified as a suspect.
A photo of what is identified as Stockelman's forehead appeared this week on a crime blog called "Lost In Lima Ohio" that focuses on news reports about crimes against children and women.

Read the article here.

Do you really think they should of fired the two prison guards for revealing this photo? Give your thoughts.


Blogger Cue-aye-F said...

I think that the prison guards should have been fired like they were because no matter the crime that is morally wrong.

10/06/2006 4:44 PM  
Blogger maskedchaos58 said...

this man is disgusting and that tatoo is what he disereves. i do not believe in violence for the sake of wiolence however when someone is as sic as this man they diserve some form of punishment more than a life of free room and board and free meals.

if i met the inmate who did this i would tell him i respected his decisionto tatoo the jerk.

the guards probabley shouldnt have leaked the photo for the inmates privacey but i dont know if he rly diserve that right when he has done what he has done..

i would also like to comment on the mention of the prisoners in Guantanamo Bay that i think there is a slight but highly relevant difference and that is this man was raise being taught the murder and child abuse is wrong by society.. terrorists are taught what they are doing is right. there is also the level of difference is the type of abuse that they were forced to endure.

the interesting question is what if he is innocent and gets realeased later on?

10/06/2006 6:35 PM  

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