Thursday, February 15, 2007

Current Event for the Week of 2/12/07

There is a big gap forming between the people living in retirement homes. They range from 70-90, the younger group are requesting newer technology like computers. They are a more active group and every new generation or senior citizens are more active. The older generations do not want to pay for the changes that may be added because they will not use the upgrades and see it pointless to pay. This causes many disputes between the younger and the older generations, the younger ones want cafes and weight rooms.

Read the article here.

Do u think that our generation will be more active then the past ones? Do you think that it is fair to put in extras and have the people living there pay for the perks that they will not use? What do you think that they should do with the disputing between generations?


Blogger Unknown said...

I totally believe that senior citizens are becoming more active with the new generations. Our world today is so much different than the world even just 10 years ago. Technology has grown so rapidly that the world has changed from a relaxed world to a world where we can't wait for anything. We have to have it now. Just look at food. Look how many instant foods we have now that you just put it in the microwave and I know I don't even like to wait the 45 seconds that its in there. New generations are starting to get more and more used to technology so of course they're going to want the computers. Computers and other digital products are our lifeline nowadays. Also, more people go to gyms and rec centers today than years ago so they want to be more active. I don't think that the older seniors should have to pay if they aren't going to use it but for whoever does should have to be the ones paying.

2/16/2007 10:58 AM  
Blogger lifesroughgrabahelmet said...

i dont know if we will be more active but i do think that we will expect different care, and a different environment, to "die" in. we are used to this type of "life" and they are used to this type of "life". all we can do is make them happy

2/18/2007 1:32 PM  
Blogger Paige said...

If the people that are lving in retirement homes want new technology and funner things to do then I think that they should be able to have that. I also believe that they should be the ones to pay for it not the people who would have no use for it.

I think that they should build newer more upgraded retiremnt homes to satisfy the needs of everyone. The older generation can stay at the less updated homes and the people who feel the need for a little extra pazazz can go to the newer homes.That way the people can choose wheter or not they feel the need to pay extra money for computers in their retirement home.

2/18/2007 8:34 PM  

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