Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Current Event for the week of 03/05/07

NASA is running low on funding.

According to CNN.com NASA is capable of tracking killer asteroids that have the potential to decimate almost every living organism on this planet. Even though know what they need to do to track the asteroids the U.S. government says that the program cost way too much for its significance.

Read the article here.

Do you think that the government should fund this program? Are you ever worried about killer asteroid one day ending life on this planet as we know it?


Blogger iansbabi1322 said...

Well i think they should fund it because it could save us if there ever was going to be an astriod coming to destroy us! then i say heck yes fund it and stop them alll!!!! LOL..

3/07/2007 9:02 AM  

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