Monday, February 19, 2007

Current Event for the Week of 2-19-07

Pastor with the 666 tattoo claims to be the devine

According to, a man named Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda claims to be God. He says that he was visited in a dream back when he was a heroin addict in Puerto Rico, where he learned that he was Jesus reincarnate. He claims that the 666 tattoo, normally connected to Satan, is to show that the Antichrist and 666 are misunderstood. He is now being compared to David Koresh and Jim Jones, former cult leaders in the U.S.

Read the article here.

Do you think that a man should be allowed to start his own church with himself as the main idol? Do you think the people of Miami who are against his ways be allowed to voice there opinion and try to stop the continuance of de Jesus' church?


Blogger spazlovesweezie said...

I think that, because of the freedom of religion, he's legally allowed to start his own church with whomever he wants as the idol. Whether that's morally or religiously right is up to the individual, but if de Jesus' church isn't hurting its members or others, than I don't think people have the right to get rid of it.

2/20/2007 3:13 PM  
Blogger ajayc said...

A man can start his own church, with having his Pastor liscens, but to be the idol no. No one should go to church because of an idol, it's breaking one of the 10 commandments. If this man were to start a church for Christ and bring in people to witness to them, then okay. I think the people could stop it. It's false religion to be worshiping yourself, or any other god of that matter. These people have a right to protect a country of false relgion and false teaching, so i think they should be able to protest.

2/22/2007 10:13 PM  
Blogger GPorter said...

It's remarkable how stupid people can be...

There's no argument here. Nobody can stop someone from starting a church. Whether or not it is government funded is a different story.

It seems clear to me that this man simply is trying to stir controversy by becoming the image of the post-millenniumist view of the anti-Christ created by the "Left Behind" series.

Let him form his own church. Sure, it will be a church that promotes false information, but that's all any church does.

2/25/2007 12:21 AM  
Blogger kcat0109 said...

What is our world coming to?! The guy grew up in poverty addicted to heroin and found a simple solution: lets scam people into thinking I'm god and people actually believe him! He is doing it for attention and is getting exactly what he wants. Who cares if he sets up a church or not as long as no one is being injured or killed. I think he may need therapy (a lot of therapy) or a visit to an insane asylum.

2/25/2007 8:08 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I don't think that he should be able to start a church with himself as the main idol. That sort of defeats the purpose of the church. How can anyone verify that he is telling the truth? If he is taking a collection then isn't he just taking money from innocent misguided people? I think that anyone against it should be able to voice their own opinion. I hope that they can stop this "church".

2/25/2007 2:39 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think anyone has the right to start their own church, and believe what they want to believe. If people actually believe that he is God and other things he says, then they can be his followers. If de Jesus came up to me and told me what he preaches and that nothing is a sin, I would think he was the drug addict that he used to be. If nothing is a sin, then why are there courts and prisons? I think the people of Miami who oppose him and his church should have the right to their free speech, too.

2/25/2007 7:00 PM  
Blogger Paige said...

It is everyones right in America to pursue happiness in whatever form tickles their fancies so for him to start a church is somehting he is entitled to do.
As far as wether or not he is a reincarnation of anything or anyone Holy is a mystery to all of us honestly. The Jew's didn't believe Jesus when he said he was the Son of Christ because it was ridiculous to think such a thing could be true. I can think out side of the box when necessary. I wouldn't go so far as to say that I personally believe him but, hey, like I said. Whatever tickles your fancy.

2/25/2007 7:34 PM  
Blogger Stay UP Apparel said...

He is legally allowed to start his own church but in all seriousness anyone who would try to attend it or worship him would have to be an idiot. He is a recovering drug addict...

I completely disagree with anyone who says that that ALL churches promote false information, in all honesty I haven't seen one post by you that has made much sense to me. I am a Catholic and all though I don't believe in the same things as others do I don't say that EVERYONE worships and promotes false information.

2/25/2007 7:58 PM  

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