Thursday, October 18, 2007

Current Event for Week of 10/19/07

Dalai Lama honor stokes U.S.-Chinese tensions

The Dalai Lama, the Buddhist moral/spiritual leader of the people of Tibet, received the Congressional Gold Medal this week. This is the highest honor that the U.S. government gives a civilian, which the Dalai Lama is receiving for being a "universal symbol of peace and tolerance."

The controversy surrounding this honor is due to China, who does not recognize Tibet as its own country, feels that the U.S. is trying to support Tibet's separation from China. China feels that the U.S. only gave this medal as a way to antagonize them.

Read the full article here.

Do you think that giving the medal was a political move against China? Do you think that the U.S. has stirred up unnecessary "bad feelings" with China over this? Should the Dalai Lama be allowed to return to Tibet? Should Tibet be allowed to be its own country?


Blogger Nate said...

No, I do not think that the medal was a political move towards China. The Chinese have their right to be angry but I am not sure what you mean by "unneccesary" they are not necessarily necessary but the Dalai Lama deserves to be recognized for his greatness.

10/18/2007 2:45 PM  
Blogger Nate said...

I am sorry I hit publish by accident. The Dalai Lama should be allowed to return to Tibet. Tibet is his homeland and in my opinion, He should have never been exiled to begin with, and I don't believe that China should be able to keep him out. Yes, Tibet should be its own country, especially so that they can decide who lives in their country!

10/18/2007 2:48 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i think that some people are making this a bigger deal than needed. he won an award because he deserved it, not b/c we want to get on Chinas bad side. i personally think we should keep out of China and Tibet's conflict, it will only get us into trouble.

10/21/2007 8:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think that China made way the situation out to be more than it was. The Dalai Lama was given the metal for his deeds and care for people, not to tick off the CHinese government. I don't think the U.S. would really want to tick off this growing world power epecially since we rely on their products and goods so heavily. I also don't think the Dalai Lama intends to lead an uprise and separate Tibet from China. China is in charge of Tibet so they have the right to exile him, although their reasoning may not necessarily be justified. The Dalai Lama deserved this award and that's why it was given.

10/21/2007 8:09 PM  

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