Monday, November 13, 2006

Current Event for week of 11/13/06

Meet The Lunch Lady's New Friend

Many public schools, elementary especially, are moving to quicker, andmore efficient ways of getting students through the lunch line. Schoolsare beginning to rely on computers to get students through the lunchline, and one of those ways is scanning students finger prints. When astudent goes through the line, they will place their finger on ascanner, which reads certain parts of the student's finger print toidentify the student. The student's entire finger print is not stored,and parents have the option to refuse the let their child use thesystem. The new systems replace lunch tickets and paying in cash,instead, parents can send enough money for a month at one time withtheir student to add to their account. Almost all Perry elementary schools plus Pfeiffer use a computer systemthat requires students to enter a pin number, instead of scanning their finger, which draws the price of lunch from their account.

Read the article here.

What do think of this new technology? Is the finger print scanning aninvasion of privacy? Do you think that this new technology givesstudents more time to eat their lunches or do you think that glitcheswill cause students to lose eating time?


Blogger Sarahhhh said...

I think it's a great idea, especially for elementary schools. It's easier for not only parents, but teachers as well because there isn't going to be worry over students not having his or her lunch money with them.

11/13/2006 4:06 PM  
Blogger Sarahhhh said...

In the long run, I believe that students are going to have more time to eat but there will be times when time is lost due to glitches in the system. It's not an invasion of privacy because only certain parts of the finger print is stored and parents can so no.

11/13/2006 4:08 PM  
Blogger scentlessapprentice said...

I think that is pretty cool how schools are allowing kids to do that. If you think about it, that would be a faster and better method. Plus, it would prevent kids from stealing lunch tickets and stuff from other people.

11/15/2006 8:17 AM  
Blogger scentlessapprentice said...

and they would need a back-up plan if something would happen to go wrong in the computer

11/15/2006 8:18 AM  
Blogger Cue-aye-F said...

I think that the fingerprint scan isn't the greatest idea ever. Its is an ivasion of privacy and worst of all that means the schools have records of your fingerprints. It may speed up the line but at the same time it could slow it down. Meaning that its a win lose situation and not worth it.

11/19/2006 4:12 PM  
Blogger maskedchaos58 said...

i dont like this idea. the only benifit i truely see is giving kids more lunch time however potential system failures may couteract this benifit. as a whole i see this as part of the upsetting trend to automate everything. personal interaction and human error (such a forgetting tickets) are normal thing . life would be weird without small problems and to teach children that these dont exist creats a problem. besides that children can buy extras which their parents cant stop them from spending too much on junk.

11/21/2006 7:17 PM  

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