Current Even For the Week of 12/21
Small group of US experts insist global warming not man-made
The article states that scientists are now thinking that global warming isn't true. They say that global warming is a phenomenon. They reached this idea from a small amount of data but all of it was saying that global warming did not exist.Read the Article HERE.
What do you think of global warming, is it real? Do you think the scientists were right to make theses decisions based on that little of information? How do you think others feel about this?
I think glabal warming is real but not casued by the people because it has happened before and history repeats itself. Also the scientists should know that! They ust think it's hmans becasue we do do al ot to put heat ni the atmosphere but like they said it just changes the wheather. To other people they are probably scared of global warming but if ti happens it happnes and noone can sti=op it , its just a cycle the earth ghoes through sucha s humans and life!
I think global warming is real but is caused by a mixture of both humans and nature. I am sure that we play a role in it, and we need to be aware of what we can do to better our enviornment and make sure it stays around as long as it can. But I think a lot of it is unexplainable, and is just supossed to happen. Scientists cannot explain how everything works, and sometimes we just have to let nature run its course.
I don't think that global warming is as big of a deal as the media makes it sound. I think a lot of scientists go too far with the issue too. The earth's temperature may be warming, but it is proven that the earth has gone through global warming and cooling since the beginning of time. I think that we should take care of the earth, and make wise choices about how to use our resources, but I think the line has been crossed on the issue. Even if this is how the world is suppossed to end, then who are we to stop it?
Global warming is very real, yet I agree with the scientists who wrote the article. Those who say it is "our" fault, leave out some simple facts like the clouds and water vapor.
Making assumptions with little information is a basis for life. Everyone does it, so why can't a group of well educated scientists?
As for how other people feel about this subject, let them think what they want. I'm all for everyone having their own opinion and such, as long as they don't force it down my throat.
I believe that global warming is really happening, and that humans and nature both contribute to it, but I don't think it's right for scientists to make such a big conclusion without doing thorough research. It's pretty unprofessional to announce something like that without being completely sure and have plenty of data to back up your findings. The fact that there are a little amount of scientists that are in belief of this theory just means that they need even more research to prove that they're right, or at least mostly right.
I dont think that global warming is real only because of my religion. I dont think it matters on how much evidence scientists have, they will still come up with the dumbest things that will kill us or the earth.
I think that global warming is real and that the scientist should probably do a little more research and then make their thesis. But just because these guys make the thesis doesn't mean people have to listen to them or even read the articles, it's not going to change how people feel about global warming.
I think global warming is real.I think its caused mostly by humans. I don't think that the scientists had the right to come up with a theory when they had such a small amount of evidence. If you're going to come up with some kind of theory you need to make sure it is correct and back it up with a bunch of evidence.
I don't really know much about global warming, but form what I do know is that it is probably caused by man and nature. Science is guess and check, so nobody's every possitive about anything. Laws of science are always changing. I'm no scientist; I don't know what to believe about global warning.
I think that global warming is real, but there maybe things counter-acting it that makes it not as bad as people make it out to be. I'm sure humans have something to do with it or at least progress the process, but they are not the only cause. I think there are so many factors to it, scientists can't pin point what to do about it. As for other people, I think that they all just see things in the media and go along with what they say.
Honestly, I don't think we have to worry that much about Global Warming because the climate has changed numerous times throughout history and humans haven't become extinct because of it. I know most will say that I am narrow-minded and that I just want to come up with an excuse not to save the Planet. But I'm all for saving the planet but not for the sake of Global Warming because I don't think that we can stop it and I don't think that we will die because of the events in the past. I actually believe that the scientists are right and that it is a natural occurance because it has happened throughout history before aerosol cans and gas-guzzling vehicles. And it seems that what people make global warming out to be is just a plot to scare us into being environmentally friendly. So, call me narrow-minded or stupid or whatever. It's gonna happen no matter what and if we die... we die but in the past humans haven't become extinct and it wasn't their fault, either. I'm sure that others disagree with me. I actually know many that disagree with me. aActually I've only talked to one person that agrees with me!
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