Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Current Event for 11/9/07

'Dog' Chapman Sorry for Using N-Word

Duane "Dog" Chapman, the star of A&E's reality show Dog the Bounty Hunter, had his show canceled after a recorded phone conversation between him and his son was posted on the Internet. In the phone conversation, "Dog" repeatedly used the the N-word. As a result, A&E cancelled his TV show.

Read the details of the story here.

Do you think Chapman should be held professionally responsible for racial slurs he uses in his private life? Why or why not? What other professions would also be held to this type of standard? Is it good for some professions to have their private lives be "open books" to the community? Post your comments!!!


Blogger Mindy said...

No I don't think "Dog" should be acoountable for his private life, everyone needs to have one especially if their on tv a lot of the time! I think thats redicoulouse his show is getting cancaeled just because he was talking to his son in a manner tv would consider right, its no ones business how he talks to his son!! Another thing tv should stop doing is having people follow celebs around trying to get their photos , im sure thats really annoying and i know for a fact that the celebrities hate it!! No its not fair for making celebs private life open b/c it makes it hard to live life knowing that everyone knows ur problems and your dramas!!

11/08/2007 7:42 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I don't think that "Dog" should be accountable for his private life. If he was treating his son in a horrible manner, then i could see canceling his show. You see all these shows that go inside the life of...and young kids like to watch these, but they get the wrong picture. Being a celeb looks like a lot of drama and all the rumors that are being told about you! Having that expectation of being a role model for thousands of people would be too much work for one person, thats why all these celebs are doing drugs and things like that.

11/08/2007 12:33 PM  
Blogger keastx3 said...

i think cancelling his show was a little over the top, but i can understand why. he is a role model for the kids watching so the station is going to make sure that he is a positive one. i think he has to be responsible for his actions though, and take the consenquences for using poor language that offends people. so even though i think cancelling his show was an extreme, he needs to own up to his actions and learn from it.

11/08/2007 8:46 PM  
Blogger keastx3 said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

11/08/2007 8:46 PM  
Blogger bluvjesus said...

First of all, NO he should be punished for his home life! Everybody in this country has the right to free speech according to the first amendment but I think that is being taken away! Why can't he say something in his own house! I think that the one who should be punished was the one recording the conversation. I also don't think that he should have to apologize because the conversation was not supposed to be recorded in the first place and he did it at home! It would be another thing if he said it at work but he didn't! I also think that the Enquirer should get in trouble for posting it on the web! I know that in the first amendment there is also freedom of press but now I think the press is going TOO FAR!

11/09/2007 7:00 AM  
Blogger nick mc said...

I feel that his private life should have no effect on his personal life. I do feel very strongly against people using that word. I also feel that people pay to much attention to what celebrities do and they should mind their own business. People in this country have freedom of speech and he was exercising that freedom.

11/09/2007 10:16 AM  
Blogger HosS said...

i dont think that "Dog" should be punished just for saying different slurs... name one person who has never said one type of slur to if they r going to suspend his show because of different raciail slurs then what else are they going to start cracking down on because 1. it was to his son and there is no way that that shoudl even had been publisized just because he is a celebrity, and 2. dont we make celebs lives hard enough with the damn poparatzi taking pictures of them all the time and now not only will they have to watch wht they wear and the picture they give people through tht but now also with the way they talk in their provate life not even in public but private. 3. i cant name one person who acts the same around his parents that they would around friends or foing other things, every body has to tame it down some times but other times can be more open.

11/09/2007 2:48 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think this is an unfortunate event, but it did happen. A&E would look bad if it didn't do anything about this mistake and act like nothing was wrong. Face it, nobody can act perfect 24/7 and we can't expect celebrities to act like role models all the time. Everybody makes mistakes. I think that "Dog" should have made a statement apologizing for the mistake, and it was definately extreme to cancel the show. Sure, it's frowned upon to use that word, but does anybody really get severe punishment for using it? Should "Dog" really either?

11/10/2007 12:17 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I don't think this is a reasonable explanation for the cancellation of Dog's show. It was a private phone call. Unless it deals with something criminal, a person's private life should be considered totally separate from his or her business life. This incident had nothing to do with his TV show. If it hadn't been recorded and posted online (which seems to be violating privacy, anyway), this would have never been known and it wouldn't have made a difference or affected anything. If his show was about racial tolerance or something, maybe then it would actually make just a little more sense to cancel his show, at least.

11/10/2007 8:13 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I don't think "Dog" should have his show canceled. Everyone should have freedom of speech under the Constitution. Yes, I personally think it was wrong to use the "N" word, but in America we can speak as we choose. If he had said it on the show I can see it being canceled, but since it was in his private life, let him say what he wants. I can understand the television network canceling his show though, because it could make them look bad.

11/10/2007 10:33 PM  
Blogger longhornx10 said...

I don't think that Dog should have lost his show over it. What he does in his own life is his prerogative. And I think that we shouldn't be so hypocritical on todays t.v. and movie stars, they are people just like us, and people make mistakes!

11/11/2007 10:28 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Eventhough I don't agree with what Chapman said, I really don't think he should be accountable for what he said. He's not on the clock at work so he should be able to say whatever he wishes. There are so many people who use this word and don't get in trouble for it so why should he, just because he is famous. If the girlfriend is going to make a big deal out of it then I think that is dumb because I'm sure that's not the first time she's heard that word. If she would make a big deal of it, it would just be to get publicity and her 5 minutes of fame. So no i don't think that Chapman should be held accountable.

11/11/2007 1:09 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think that someone's private life, celebrity or not, should be private. He never meant to hurt anyone by it, and probably never meant for anyone to even hear it. I think it's awful that everything that a celebrity does is monitored and judged. Politicians are also held at this standard which is more reasonable than celebrities because they have a duty to run the country. Cancelling the show for this was kind of harsh, but its very respectable that he is taking responsibility for his actions and trying to make it better.

11/11/2007 1:35 PM  
Blogger bballislife2008 said...

First of all I think it is wrong that he was using the n-word. But with that said i dont think you can punish him for a private conversation. Its not like he said it while recording his show or anything. Im sure there are people all over the place that say that word, even though it is wrong, they dont get into trouble. So just because he is famous he is in trouble and that is wrong.

11/11/2007 3:32 PM  
Blogger Noona said...

I do not think Mister Dog should have got his show cancelled because of his racial slurs. This is only showing a true side of him. He is what he is. Just because most of the time the "bad" side of people is not shown doesn't mean it isn't there. Yeah, it's dumb that he does use racial slurs and all, but it's not like it's on a Disney show or anything. Or even on the recording of his own show. I don't think the way in which Dog chooses his words affects many people besides who he is talking to. Sure, it is offending, but something else he has probably said in the past on air might have been just as offending, but that does not matter?

11/11/2007 3:55 PM  
Blogger LEhmer08 said...

i think "Dog" should be able to live like every other person in their personal life. he should not have used racial slurs but canceling his show does not stop him from saying it or take it back. you can not punish someone for what they do with their time outside of work and outside of tv unless its against the law. which this is not because it is freedom of speech. canceling his show was a little extreme i think.

11/11/2007 5:36 PM  
Blogger henderson said...

I do not think his show should have been canceled because of a personal phone conversation between him and his son. Yes he should be held responcible for things he says in his personal life, but using the n** word or any other sware word has nothing to do with his show. that's rediculous that it got canceled for that. that would be like ( strictly an example ) canceling Dr. Phil's talk show because ( if he were) he's jewish and doesn't celebrate christmas . He wouldn't be telling anyone they can't celebrate christmas and that they have to be jewish too. Same thing. Chapman didn't tell anyone else to use the n** word. It was his choice. And I think he was wrongfully punished.

11/11/2007 7:08 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I don't think it should matter what he said since it was a private conversation; however, as celeb they need to guard themselves almost constantly because much of their lives do get seen or heard about. It is the common people who look to bring any negative note about the people WE HAVE PLACED on a pedistool. I think it is smart that he is recognizing what he said was wrong even in private instead of fighting that his conversation shouldn't have been heard anyway. (Although that would be true also) I think that because he has already appologized and is looking for more he can do to mkaes things right for himself and his career again, people will eventually forget about it and not make this such a big deal.

11/11/2007 9:52 PM  
Blogger Dentler said...

well ya know if it was a private conversation then no he shouldnt be introuble. But, if his son sold someone the tape than it is his own fault. I think that if people on MTV and stuff had this happen to them they would get introbule as well.

11/11/2007 10:28 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think what he said was inapropriate,but just because he's a celebrity doesn't mean he's perfect. I don't agree with what he said, but I don't have to because he was talking to his son in a private converstation. I also think it's a little extreme to cancel his show because of it. I think if he apologized then that should be enough, what more can he do? I definatly think he needed to apologize, but the media needs to let it go now.

11/11/2007 11:17 PM  

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