Sunday, January 06, 2008

Current Event for Week of 1/11

SWAT member kills woman and injures boy.

Acting on a search warrant a SWAT member shoots a woman in the home, injuring her one year old son as well. A man who the search warrant was against was arrested at the scene. The little boy lost his finger and is in a Columbus Hospital. Toys in the front yard signaled that there was a child in the home.

Read the article here.

Should the SWAT member be prosecuted? What should his sentence be? Why do you think the police officer shot the woman?

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Current Event for the Week of Jan 11

Disguising as a Coke machine may be the newest way to ward off sexual predators.

29-year-old Japanese fashion designer Aya Tsukioka has invented a solution for the modest, everyday Japanese woman to feel more safe by herself at night. It is a skirt that folds out into a sheet with an actual-size picture of a Coke machine, which a person can hide behind. The idea of the vending machine disguise was inspired by a trick used by Japan's ancient ninja, who cloaked themselves under black blankets at night.

Read the article here.

What are your reactions to this new invention? Do you think it would be effective?

Friday, January 04, 2008

Women stuck 2 days in elevator

Two cleaning women in Chicago survived after being trapped in an elevator.

Read the details of their survival by clicking here.

How would you react to being stuck in an elevator? What would you do to survive/be rescued? If you could choose anyone who would you want to be trapped with? If you didn't know the person that you were trapped with, what types of things would you talk about?

I know that these aren't the "normal" questions we usually's our last current event...thought it might be fun. It still has to do with people interacting, so it works! :)