Saturday, September 29, 2007

Current Event for Week of 10/5/07

Karzai Talks Peace After Bus Bomb

According to, the president of Afghanistan wants to talk to Taliban leader after a suicide bombing killed 30 people. He is considering negotiating with the and wants the fighting in Afghanistan to stop.

Read the article here.

If you were the president of Afghanistan would you want to negotiate with the Taliban? Would you want the foreign troups in or out of your country? What would you do about all the kidnappings?

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Current Even for the week 9/28

New Vanessa Hudgens Pics Hit the Net .

Vanessa Hudgens has it all. The famous life , the perfect boyfriend ( a.k.a. Zac Effron ). And new to the list --> her very own porn! Vanessa Hudgens poses nude and now the pictures are on the internet for everyone to view. After the photo surfaced, Hudgens said, " I want to apologize to my fans, whose support and trust means the most to me." ....cntd. "I am embaressed over this situation and regret having ever taken these photos. I am thankful for the support of my family and friends."

Read article here:

What do you think about the article? Do you think Disney should fire her from her sweet innocent roel of Gabriella on High School Musical? Why or why not? Do you think she's sincerely sorry about taking the pictures, or do you just think she's sorry they got into the wrong hands and now they're on the internet for anyone to see?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Current Event for Week of 9/28/07

Gum healthy for you?According to ADA has just given a seal of acceptance to Wrigley's sugar-free gums Orbit, Extra and Eclipse. The director of ADA said "The council has looked at the body of data and concluded that there are some health benefits to chewing these products three times a day for 20 minutes." These benefits include preventing cavities, reducing plaque acid and strengthen teeth.

Read the article here.

What did you think of the article? Do you think chewing gum really can prevent cavities and strenghten teeth?

Monday, September 24, 2007

Current Event for the week of 9/28/07

Should Medical Marijuana Be Legal?
The St. Louis Post Dispatch
April 3, 2007
-Montel Williams
Illinois -- You probably know me as a talk show host and, perhaps, as someone who for several years has spoken out about my use of medical marijuana for the pain caused by multiple sclerosis. That surprised a few people, but recent research has proved that I was right: right about marijuana's medical benefits and right about how urgent it is for states to change their laws so that sick people aren't treated as criminals. The Illinois General Assembly is considering such a change right now. If you see me on television, I look healthy. What you don't see is the mind-numbing pain searing through my legs like hot pokers...
...medical marijuana has allowed me to live a productive, fruitful life despite having multiple sclerosis. Many thousands of others all over this country — less well-known than me but whose stories are just as real — have experienced the same thing.
Here's what's shocking: The U.S. government knows marijuana works as a medicine...

Still, 39 states subject patients with illnesses like MS, cancer or HIV/AIDS to arrest and jail for using medical marijuana, even if their doctor has recommended it. It's long past time for that to change.
Illinois state Sen. John Cullerton, D-Chicago, has introduced a bill — SB 650 — to protect patients like me from arrest and jail for using medical marijuana when it's recommended by a physician. Similar laws are working well in 11 states right now.

Click here to see the whole article.
Do you agree that marijuana should be legalized for medical use? Why or why not? What are some pros and cons to allowing the terminally ill to use it to relieve pain?

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Current Events for the week of 9/21/07

Glamorous politician wants law to allow 7-year itch.

According to Yahoo News, a politician from Berlin want change the idea that everyone has of marriage. She is try to make a law that says that marriage should only last 7 years. This law is obviously stirring up a lot of controversy in the catholic community.

Read this article here.

What do you think about this story? Do you agree or disagree with it? What do you think are some positives and negatives are to this article?

Friday, September 21, 2007

Current Event of the Week of 9/21/07

Spears: School girl to Parenting School

By any measure, Britney Spears has had a very difficult year: a public breakdown, rehab and just last week a widely ridiculed performance at an MTV awards show.
Now her parenting skills are under scrutiny, and not for the first time. A new court ruling made clear that, whether you are famous or not, what you do in front of your children can be held against you.

Read Article here

What do you think about parenting school for Britney? Will it help her or will she have another breakdown? What do you think about how she treats her children? Who should have custody?

Current Event for the

Current Event of the Week of 9/21/07

Surgery Without the Scars

Doctors are stretching the boundaries of laparoscopic surgical technique, which involves inserting a light and a camera into the body, to develop new surgeries that leave few -- if any -- visible scars

Read the article here

If you were to have surgery would you have this done? What do you think of having something like this being injected through your belly button?

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Current Event for the Week of 9/21/07

Thief Learned to Steal From Watching TV

Michael W. Hobbs, 36, of Waco, Kentucky was found guilty of 5 counts of burglary. He said he learned how to break into people's homes by watching the TV show "It Takes a Thief", on Discovery Channel. He took what he learned from the show and broke into a string of homes around his neighborhood.

Read the article here.

What do you think of this story? Should the tv people monitor what kind of shows they are putting out for their viewers? Should Discovery Channel really have a show all about how thieves break into houses?

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Current Event for the Week of 9/21/07

Mychal Bell, 16, and five other black students sat under a tree where white students usually sit. White students started to give off racial slures to those kids. Out of hate, these six students killed one of the white students and have been charged with murder and a jury of all white people. The parents of these students are rioting and saying that they are being descrimnated.

Read the article here.

Do you agree with the parents on being descriminated? Do you think these students should be charged? What about being charged as an adult?

Friday, September 14, 2007

Current Event for the Week of 9/21/07

California bans cell-phone use for teen drivers.

California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger passed a law saying that no teen driver is allowed be on a cellphone while driving, even though older drivers are. This law will fine teenagers $20 for the first offense and $50 the second. The law takes effect January 1st.

Read the article here.

Is this fair at all that teenagers can't be on the phone will older drivers can? Just because somebody is older doesn't mean they can't get into an accident while on the phone. The law doesn't take into account how long a person has had their license. An 18 year old can just get their license and be on the phone while maybe a 17 year old who's had their license for two years can't be on the phone. Where is the fairness in that? How can this law be changed to make it more fair for a larger number of people? Do you think this will actually help create less car accidents in the states that have this law?

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Current Event for the Week of 9/14/07

Was it Murder or self defense?

According to, Phyllis Nelson called 911 one early december stating that she had stabbed someone in the heart. She had stabbed a dean of the University of Iowa College of Medicine. This man happend to be her husband of 33 years. Why did she stab the person she was in love with?

Read the article here.

What would you have done if you found out the person you were married to for 33 years was having an affair? Would you go to the extremes as of stabing him? Do you think it was murder?or could it have been self defense?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

current event for the week ( 9 - 14 - 07)

New study research shows that with the higher gas prices it will eventually help out with the obesity rate in the United States. Read Article Here

Do you think that these higher gas prices will help? How do you feel about the gas prices where they are now?

current event for the week ( 9 - 14 - 07

Monday, September 10, 2007

Current Event for the Week of 9/14/07

Tropical Storm Hits Carolina Coast

A tropical storm has hit the Carolina coast and many people think it to be no big deal and to continue on their vacations and stay at the beach. Many surfers go as far as saying that this is the best time of year.

Read the Article Here.

Can you imagine how we would react if a storm hit Ohio? Would we react the same way by thinking nothing of it? If you were on vacation with 50mph winds would you stay?

Friday, September 07, 2007

Current Event for the week of 9/7

"Popcorn Lung" Patient Ate Two Bags A Day

Wayne Watson loved microwave popcorn so much he would eat at least two bags each night, breathing in the steam from the just-opened package, until doctors told him it may have made him sick.

Read the article here.

What do you think about the story? How would you feel if someone told you that the thing you loved to eat the most was extremely affecting your health negatively? Would you believe them and take precautions just in case, or ignore them, possibly causing more harm to yourself?

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Current Event for Week of 9/7/07

New York public school accused of radical Islamist agenda

A school in New York City has opened with the goal to "prepare students for college and successful careers" by focusing on the study of Arabic language and culture.

Many proponents of the school claim that it promotes diversity and understanding of the Arabic culture. Opponents of the school claim that it has ties to "Islamic Extremists" groups.

Read the article here.

After reading the article, do you think that the school is a good idea? Why or why not? What would be the benefits and harms of having a school like this? Would you ever attend a school that focused on a specific culture and language?

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Current Event for the Week of 9/7/07

McKinley officials see positives in punishment

McKinley LOST?? According to the Canton Repository, the bulldogs lost their home opener on August 25th, the score being 66-6 MCKINLEY!! Head football coach Brian Cross made a mistake by letting an academically ineligible player play in the LAST play of their first game!

Read the article here.

Do you think that the bulldogs should have lost their first game because of the last play? What do you think should happen to the coach for letting the player on the field? What should happen to the player? Do you think the player should be on the bench for most of the season or should he be able to play?

Current Event for the week of 9/7/07

Senior Pays for 'Legendary' Prank

A senior at Hilliard Darby High School played an interesting prank on their rival Davidson High School. He and two of his friends came up with the idea from a Yale University football game to trick the other team into making a sign that said "we suck". They ended up with harsh punishment for a tiny prank. But the prank will be legendary for the two schools.

Read the article here.

I think the some people over react too much and need to realize that when it comes down to it, that prank was very funny.What is your opinion on the article? What about the punishment for the 3 kids? Was it too much or was it just right, Or do you think they even deserved a punishment for that?